I cant believe how long its been since I last wrote in this blog. It just goes to show how busy I have been as I honestly havent had a spare moment to myself for that long. I dont make resolutions but I do intend to plan a bit of time for the blog from now on.
Since the last post I have harvested 6 peppers (5 small and 1 large). A fair crop which help to make two dinners. 4 of the 6 plants fruited. I grew 5 of the plants in the greenhouse which have all died now. They produced green fruits.
I grew 1 on the kitchen window sill producing red fruit and this plant is still going string. I have even noticed new new flower buds. Its needed a bit of nitrogen feed as the leaves had gone light green but its looking healthy and strong.
Almost everything in the garden has died, especially as the last 2 - 3 weeks have been the coldest for 20 years. Even the lake froze over completely. So Ive put a few tendy plants in the greenhouse. It really makes me realiase I must do more with evergreen plants to make the grarden more interesting all year round. As soon as the first frost hit the Cocmos died straight away.
Ynysyfro delivers a Xmas Prezzie!
6 years ago