Last weekend I sowed a few more seeds in the garden. Probably a bit late in the year but I should get some reward before the autumn. Most surprising was the seed at which the dwarf beans germinated - 7 days. Perhaps I shouldn't be so surprised, the weather has been very warm.
Yet again I have not done very well with the tomato seedlings. The first seedlings germinated in early April. However they are still only about two inches tall. This could be caused by a combination of errors on my part. Poor soil - I have used a mixture of general purpose compost, garden clay soil and perhaps other unsuitable matter. Greenhouse - Once germinated I left the seedlings in the greenhouse. This sounds ok, but I think it may have been too dark for proper growth to start. The greenhouse cover is clear plastic with a green mesh, which from the outside seems ok but from the inside might be just a bit too shaded.
So next year I shall used proper seed compost and put them outside sooner (depending on the frosts).
Ynysyfro delivers a Xmas Prezzie!
6 years ago