Friday, 5 June 2009

Salad days

I have been enjoying the first fruits (or should I say salads) of my labour. Yes, the lettuce is ready for picking. I've grown cut-and-come-again varieties, so I only pick a leaf or two off each lettuce. That's plenty for my plate. The leaves seem stronger and larger that last years crop. Perhaps its due to the great sunny weather we have been enjoying.

This year has seen a huge amount of greenfly on almost all plants. You can see loads of them in this photo. I have been trying to control them by squashing them, but there is now too many to do this to. I had also hope the other insects like spiders, wasps and others would be feasting on the aphids but am surprised by how few they seem to consume.

Its getting to the point where I bring in the chemical control. I might try a washing up liquid solution first before getting too aggressive. However, I don't fancy the taste of that in my salad.

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