Thursday 17 July 2008

First signs of tomatoes

After careful examination the first tomato has been spotted. Since then and a couple of days later a few more have emerged giving me great optimism for a good harvest.

I have two sets of tomatoes growing now, the first sowing have been growing in large containers outside on the patio. My big concern is that they are becoming so big and bushy the supports are not adequate to hold them up. I didn't realise how important positioning for the support would be and originally placed the canes some distance from each plant. Since then I have had to re-position the canes with some success, although I fear some plants may suffer.

The second and younger batch are in smaller individual pots and have been supported with much more thought and care. Although younger and much smaller flowers are appearing and should start to fruit in a few weeks time. These are housing in the green house of which the shelves have been removed to make way for the rapidly growing plants.

The green house is also home to the peppers which are also showing signs of fruit. They are doing much better in larger pots and im watering them more often too.

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